DoctorWhoStories Wiki
Homeworld: Unknown
Alias(es): Beasts
First Appearance: Galaxy 4
Affiliation: Unknown

Rills were an intelligent species, however, appeared hideous to others because of their appearance. They were an advanced race and the Doctor complimented the architecture. They were a peaceful people and never encouraged war.


A group of four Rills, crash landed on an Unnamed Planet in Galaxy 4, where they were unfortunate to meet the Drahvin race who believed they were hostile. When the Doctor, Steven Taylor and Vicki Pallister arrived, they finally received respect and the Doctor helped them refuel using energy from his TARDIS. They had developed servant robots called Chumblies who helped them monitor planets and speak to other people. (Galaxy 4)


Rills used mindwaves to speak to people and so used their Chumblies as communication-barrier breakers. Their appearance resembled half-fish and half-insect. (Galaxy 4)
